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An amateurish blogger from Samdrup Jongkhar, Bhutan.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thruue Baab: The Blessed Rainy Day

A year older! ‘Thruue’ has come again for the Bhutanese Community with much experience. The cabinet resurrected the National Holiday. Kudos!

22nd September, 2009, will be the day with difference. Loved ones will be missed. Being away from home bitterly sabotages the sense of festivity. Nonetheless, I will take ceremonious bath to clean and rinse the dirt and guilt embedded within my conscience.

Celebrating the day, kicking off with the traditional ‘mom-made’ porridge and ‘suja’ early in the very dawning of the day, sitting in circular facing one another along with my parents and siblings on a tableless-chairless shingled flat will deadly be missed. Those ‘Thruue Baabs’ we played ‘Khuru’, Archary, etc, will be remembered.

However, all Bhutanese in Hyderabad made it a point to gather together and mark the day. ‘Thruue’ is never forgotten. The only difference we anticipate is Buffet dinner for home-made dishes; football for traditional games.

A very happy Blessed Rainy Day. Make sure the moment the sun is beyond the horizon, you are able to wonder you enjoyed the day ‘a lot’. My wishes are with you Guys. Enjoy and rejuvenate yourself for the ‘losar’ season which just started beaconing around us.


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